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Lab meeting: Bahl lab

ZEUSS course IDs: BIO-15950
Responsible course coordinator: Prof. Armin Bahl

Course description:

In weekly meetings, all members of the Bahl lab present their current research work, discuss problems, and identify new project directions. Every member of the lab presents a short 1–2 minute update slides that the group discusses in depth.

Every second week, we have a more extended session in which one student presents the progress of the last few months. The talk should be organized in a well organized format and include general introduction, results, and conclusion sections, that will then be the basis of further discussions. Talks in the extended session should be 30 min + 15 min discussions.

The event takes place on-site. In exceptional cases, upon request, we will open a zoom room: AG Bahl meeting room.

We meet every Wednesday from 9:30 – 11:30 in M1101.

For the winter semester 2022/23, we have the following presenters scheduled:

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